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Phase 3: Construction

As the Architectural Recovery Team, we understand that finding suitable housing is crucial. That’s why we believe in working hand in hand with the community to identify the best solutions for their needs. In phase three, we hope to make our project grow and reach many families in need of a home. 

First prototype

The location for our first prototype will be Karsu Köy. There are several reasons for this choice: from the start we have had local connections, which makes it easier to establish trust and collaboration. While the area wasn’t as heavily impacted as others, those who were affected are in urgent need of shelter. This makes Karsu Köy an ideal place to start implementing a new idea, as it offers both a pressing need and a manageable scale for testing our approach.

Future Steps

We are actively researching ways to grow and expand our project. This involves a two-step approach: first, we will develop a knowledge platform to share insights and resources. Second, we are working on expanding our design to reach other villages in Hatay, bringing our prototype to more families in need.

Interested in helping us? Get in Touch!